Welcome to our aussie universe. We are located in Denmark, and live in a small farm just south of Copenhagen with room for horses and a lot of space for my dogs. My kennel was founded in 2021 with the aim of making Australian Shepherds that are beautiful, healthy and correct in structure - aussies that are just as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. Our dogs are a part of our family, and live together with us and they are a big part of our daily life. On this website I will share show results, information on litters and a lot of other stuff.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
I am over the moon with this litter. The Sire don't need any presentation - Viking, BIS at Crufts 2024, World Winner 2024, European Winner 2024 and many more championships and titles.
We have a new Danish Champion Yolo became Danish Champion - 20/4-2024 - just 2 years and 1 month old. What a Beauty od Halířů “YOLO”
We have a new International Junior Champion Yolo became International Junior Champion and Luxembourg Junior Champion - 3/9-2023. What a beauty od Halířů “YOLO”
New Danish Junior Champion
Yolo became a new Danish Junior Champion and Club Junior Champion - 22/4-2023. Just turned 13 months <3
What a beauty od Halířů “YOLO” Best Junior Excellent CQ Danish Junior CAC Club Junior CAC 2. Best bitch CAC BIS junior AND now Danish junior champion and Club Junior Champion - just 13 months old
A puppy from me?
If you are interested in a puppy from me, go in and read more about what I expect from you as puppy buyer and what you can expect from me as a breeder.